Here We Go Again: The USCIRF’s Annual “International Religious Freedom” Report, and the Attack on India

Ramesh Rao
9 min readMay 13, 2022

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), which should have been shut down in 2016, but was infused with funds by the Congress to continue to provide employment to mediocrities and faceless bureaucrats, offers a platform for nine politically compromised commissioners to preen and build their beltway network of influence. The USCIRF should be labeled an organization of particular concern, as some have argued, and it is time for American taxpayers to stop this institutional affront to good political and human sense.

The USCIRF website claims that “USCIRF’s nine Commissioners are appointed by either the President or Congressional leaders of each political party, supported by a non-partisan professional staff.” We can wonder as much as we can how that staff is vetted for their non-partisanship, even as they pursue the partisan agendas of their politically appointed commissioners. The USCIRF claims to do a lot, but where is the measure to find out if anything they say or do has any purchase, and what they do does anything more than serve the partisan interests of monopolist, supremacist, violent “faith” groups and their scheming, manipulative America-based influence seekers?

The USCIRF has become another symbol of American interventionism in the affairs of sovereign states, and that it has bipartisan political support, and that it is the brainchild of US legislators goes to show that…

